"EX-pose(s) IN-sights"
(Vidéo, 148 mn. (A visionner à l'aide des cartes Archi-Texture et Orientation).
Carte des Archi-Textures
Propriétés qualitatives des espaces des Etats de Mort Imminente (EMI).
Types, Formes et Textures Motrices des Espaces.
Carte d'Orientation
Légendes des Positions Subjectives des ressentis du corps physique et impressions d'être spatio-temporels
et des types et intensités d'affects et d'émotions dans les Espaces de Mort Imminente.
Video des Témoignages des Quinze Expérienceurs de Mort Imminente
EX-pose(s) IN-sights: Matters of Near-Death Experiences"
An evocation of the special atmosphere of each of the fifteen experiment of Clair-Vision (ECV) Aka NDE will open each series of engrams which try to contextualize the positions, affects and emotions of the fifteen Near Death Experiencers (NDErs). Each sequence ends with a kinegram (animated engrams) which recapitulates the totality of the subjective positions and displacements in their chronological order as recalled by the NDErs. Thus, what is sketched here is a topology and a typology of NDErs "feelings and impressions of being".
"EX-pose(s) IN-sights: Matters of Near-Death Experiences" . Video 148 mn, (to be watched with the help of the three maps above)
I used blind graphical representations as hermeneutic tools to represent and analyze the unconscious interoceptive content of Near-Death Experiences (NDE) visual appearances of its spaces, shapes, textures, self-representations in relation to the topography of the affects and emotions that accompanied the positioning of the corporeal body (the sense of where my physical body is located in the space) and the self-location (the subjective feeling of where I am located in the space).
More precisely, the sense of where my first person perspective is located relative to other things in NDE spaces. The hodological itinerary mapped out by the experiencer’s suggested that the desynchronization of the visuo-vestibular and kinesthestetic inputs are likely to be involved in the generation of the self-location sense of location and movement in NDE spaces. The representations of these "bodily felt sense and impressions of being” are the bedrock of the animated engrams that we have labelled " kinegrams" in the video EX-POSE(S). The video stages the trajectories of the corporeal body and the self-location within NDE spaces.
This work is an attempt to visually unravel my results by showing that the shapes and textural appearances of NDE spaces could arise from the visual system proto-geometry and moreover that the corporeal body in NDEs are embodied by self-location relying on specific positions retinotopic locations (perifoveolair, fovea, foveola, optic disk).
Hence, we have hypothesized that the embodiment of the corporeal body by “multi self-location” point of view gives rise to the experiencing of multi-visuo spatial perspective taking (shifting between egocentric and allocentric spatial framework). We speculate that these phenomena might partly contribute to explain NDErs a posteriori development of hyper empathetic feelings . The intensity of this empathetic feeling might also vary depending on the specific self-location taken within NDE spaces.
Micropsia I Texture Space I
Archi de Trans-positions.
Micropsia VI Texture Space I
Archi de Trans-positions.
Micropsia II Texture Space I
Archi de Trans-positions.
Micropsia VI Texture Space I
Archi de Trans-positions.
Micropsia III Texture Space I
Archi de Trans-positions.
Micropsia VI Texture Space I
Archi de Trans-positions.
EX-pose(s) In-sights
Museum on the seam Jerusalem, Israel 2015
Centre audio-visuel (CAV) Louvain la Neuve, Belgium 2016
Phd, Defense (Louvain, 2016 )
Exhibition Museum on the Seam
(July 2015).
Exhibition Royal Academy of Arts
Belgium, (2016).
Seeing I. (Digital print, Negev desert, 2016)
"Seeing I"
(Digital picture, Negev, 2016)
"Seeing II"
(Digital picture, Negev, 2016)
"Seeing III"
(Digital picture, Negev, 2016)
Seeing II. (Digital print, Negev desert, 2016)
Seeing III. (Digital print, Negev desert, 2016)