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Spatio-Temporal Motion Perceptions

Vicon Motions System

Moross Robotic & Virtual Reality Laboratory. Weizmann Institute of Science (2017)

 Leap Motion, (2018).

Sound Spatialization, (2018).

Mirror interactions (Leap motion, Htc vive, 2017)

"Drawing  with Sound". (Tilt Brush, 2018).

 Leap Motion, (2018).

"Drawing  with Sound". (Tilt Brush, 2018).

"Drawing  with Sound". (Tilt Brush, 2018).

Mirror interactions (Leap motion, Htc vive, 2017)

"Drawing  with Sound". (Tilt Brush, 2018).

"Drawing  with Alpha, Beta, Gamma Sound". (Tilt Brush, 2018).

Sound spatialization customized on subject head circumference (3D Tune in Took Kit) of our experimental paradigm in virtual reality (HTC vive) for the execution of a behavioral task based on audio-tactile interactions that enables to infer a detailed 3D representation of Peripersonal Space for each individual subject, 2017)
Audio reactive lines :"heartbeat", made with Tilt brush, 2017)
Audio reactive lines :"birds song", made with Tilt brush, 2017)
Audio reactive lines :"Rain", made with Tilt brush, 2017)
"Alpha brain waves", 
"Beta brain waves", 
Audio reactive lines made with Tilt brush, 2017)
"Delta brain waves", 
Heartbeats visual palpitation, Tilt brush reactive lines, 2018.
Light gentle vibrations , Tilt brush reactive lines, 2018.
Scribbles, Leap motion, 2018
Brave new world, NEOS VR, 2020
Orbs shield, NEOS VR, 2020
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