The core experience of Near-Death Experience (NDE) consists of paroxysmal feelings lived as total embodiment of the corporeal body by a single visuo-affective self-location (egocentric spatial framework). This egocentric self-location phenomenally appears as a blindsight where the only vision remaining is the one of light emission of of extreme intensity, although this light textures is described by the NDErs as a light which doesn't blind.
This specific retinotopic point where the self is fully embodied by the light is lived visually by the NDErs as an extremely luminous immersive space of affective fusion underpinned by a profound somato-visceral experience (Husserl’s “fremderfahrung” intropathy). It is the place where the activity is a passive synthesis.
Visually it is experienced as a clear-sight where all the retentional non linguistic information, preverbal and prereflexive cues of the visuo-affective displacements of the experience seem to be merging into one global apperception that leaves out any self processing figurative representation. This specific egocenric self-location is also the place of ego dissolution. This space is transpersonal and allows the occurrence of “esthesiologic transference” (properties used in neuroprosthetic) and/or mentalizing” phenomenon (that is to say inferring other people mental states).
(Video 3 mn15. Danseuse Solange Shifferdecker, 2012)
Travelling the scripture
(Stills from the video, 2012)
Travelling (Video 3 mn 45)
"Travelling the Scripture"
(Video 3mn45, 2012)
"Travelling the Scripture"
(Stills from the video, 2012)
"Morning Star"
(Digital pictures, 2012)